How to Clean your Braces

Posted on Dec 18, 2014

How to Clean your Braces

Keeping your teeth clean can be a simple process as it usually only involves three things – brushing, flossing, and rinsing. But how exactly do you clean your teeth when you have braces on? And how do you clean your braces in the first place? Braces are these intricate contraptions that help to realign and fix several dental complications. And like anything else, braces need to be maintained and kept clean so that they don’t degrade or become damaged. To make your life easier, here are some tips you should use when it comes to cleaning your braces.

Before doing anything, make sure to gargle with water to remove any loose food debris in your mouth. An important thing to remember is you need to change the way you usually brush your teeth. You need to be a little bit gentler but still use some firmness to ensure you properly clean your braces and your teeth. Use circular movements as up and down motion may damage your braces. Soft bristle brushes are also recommended in this situation or a specific orthodontic toothbrush.

You should still floss even with the braces on. To clean your braces using floss, make sure you have a floss threader to move the floss over the metal arch so that you can floss each tooth. Usually any type of floss will work in this situation, but remember to ask your Richmond or Port Coquitlam orthodontist first.

You should also look into purchasing a dental pick which is called a spiral inter-proximal brush. You’ll need this small brush to get into the nook and crannies of your braces to remove any food particles that are left behind. Use this device to brush and keep clean the brace arch and the brackets.

All of these are regular maintenance you can do at home. However, it still recommended that you visit your Port Coquiltam and Richmond orthodontist’s office regularly to have your braces properly checked and cleaned. Contact HGS Ortho today and we’ll get you the tools you’ll need to keep your teeth clean and provide checkup and maintenance services for your braces.